
Under-Inflated Tyres: Risks, Causes, and Safety Tips Revealed

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If you're among the 50 million UK adults who hold a driver's license, commuting and exploring are likely an important part of your daily life. Taking care of your vehicle is a must, and adhering to tyre maintenance tips is a huge part of this.

Here, we're going to discuss the causes and impacts of under-inflated tyres on your driving habits and your car. Read on for some information on how to resolve issues with low tyre pressure.

What Causes Under-Inflated Tyres?

When you drive, your tyres lose pressure over time. Extreme temperatures in increasingly hot British summers also make tyres naturally deflate more quickly. 

However, it's important to rectify this by checking tyre pressure at least once a month and re-inflating the tyres when needed. If you don't add more air when it's required, it's inevitable that you'll drive about with under-inflated wheels. You can also look at your tyre pressure warning light to learn if you need to examine the wheels more frequently.

Other causes of underinflated tyres include slow air leaks resulting from punctures or tyre rims. In these instances, you will likely need new tyres, but it's important to diagnose the problem with professional help before making this decision.

The Danger of Low Tyre Pressure: Basic Issues

Increased wear and tear is an immediate effect of under-inflated tyres. The tyres simply wear out unevenly, requiring quicker replacements and waste money on new tyres unnecessarily.

Increased replacement expenses are just the tip of the iceberg, though. Uneven wear across the tyre and the destruction of certain areas means you're more likely to experience flats and blowouts.

These aren't just an inconvenience while you're on the road. They're a safety risk, too.

Possible Tyre Failure

Tyre failure isn't a one-size-fits-all problem. If your tyres are underinflated, they're unlikely to have an even amount of air in all parts of their interior. This means that some areas will be flat and unstable while others have too much pressure on them.

The tyre's sidewalls will experience too much pressure in some areas, which makes them more prone to popping or failing. Trust us, it's a scary experience if that happens when you're moving at 70 MPH. The problem worsens when road conditions are hazardous, which is inevitable in Great Britain's rainy climate.

When you're worrying about tyre failure as well as slipping and sliding, driving becomes an unnecessarily stressful experience.

Out-of-Control Driving

Even if your tyres don't fail, many safety risks come with poor tyre inflation effects. Usually, drivers can easily handle their cars. When you turn, you can expect the tyres to do so promptly and evenly.

However, when a tyre doesn't have the pressure needed to drive smoothly, your control over your car will worsen. You'll struggle to stop quickly or make quick manoeuvres to avoid hitting other cars or roadside obstacles. Or one of those moon-sized potholes! This makes a collision more likely, meaning that you or someone else can get injured more easily.

It's also easier to run off the road when you have poor vehicle control. This is because you won't be able to take corners smoothly or evenly whether you're driving leisurely on an A-road or on a motorway. You'll have worse traction, as well as inconsistent steering, which can make it impossible to drive safely.

Did you know? 64% of all accidents in wet conditions are likely caused by poor tyre heath! Don't be another stat!

Braking Distance Problems

Longer braking distances are one of the worst issues caused by under-inflated tyres. Worst still because you probably don't even notice the gradual effects as they worsen over time. When you don't have enough air in your tyres, your car won't stop as quickly as it used to. Sudden movements will cause jerkiness, so braking too close to the car in front of you can easily cause collisions.

You'll need to leave more room between cars when braking, and you'll need to account for slower brake times. This challenging change to your driving habits can easily lead to more rear-end crashes. Injuries, property damage, and lawsuits will likely come with this risk, so resolve potential tyre pressure safety problems before risks become a reality.

Did you know? From new to just inside the legal limit, tyres take an extra 1.5 double-decker bus lengths to stop, and that's only at 30mph

Expensive Vehicle Damage

Collisions come with a lot of costly property damage, but even those who don't crash will still look at expensive repairs if they leave their under-inflated tyres long enough. This is because when tyres aren't inflated correctly, they put more pressure than necessary on several of your car's mechanical components, including the chassis and suspension.

This pressure could destroy important components within your car and make it more difficult to drive safely. You'll need to pay more for repairs down the line. Even worse, you'll put stress on your wheels, brakes, and suspension. 

So, instead of a low-cost fix and a little TLC, you might be looking at thousands of pounds worth of replacements... 

How to Stay Safe With Tyre Maintenance Tips

Luckily, while these problems can cause serious damage, they can usually be avoided with a little time and some of our expert car tyre care tips.

Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for appropriate tyre pressure levels. Check the pressure regularly and re-inflate them when needed. Inspect the tyres for damage at least once a month and whenever your driving feels uneven, or before any long trip.

Wear, cuts, and bulges are surefire signs that replacement or maintenance is needed.

It's also important to get routine tyre rotations and professional inspections. If you need new tyres, make sure that you purchase them from a reputable retailer.

Tyre Runner works with the best brands on the market and compares all major UK retailers' prices and specifications. Purchasing new tyres has never been easier!

Contend With Tyre-Related Issues Today

Now that you know the causes and effects of under-inflated tyres, it's time to begin resolving this common issue by purchasing new wheels for smooth driving. At Tyre Runner, we're committed to offering you a wide range of tyre types at affordable prices.

Reach out to our team to learn more about how you can easily replace your tyres and start driving smoothly again.
